The Hiller H-23 was also used extensively to medivac soldiers.

produced over 400 H-13’s, delivering the last ones in 1960.

This display depicts a US Army H-13 helicopter (Bell Model 47) that has airlifted a wounded soldier to a MASH unit in the Changjin area of Korea, circa 1950. MASH units were immortalized in the television series, “M*A*S*H,” which aired from 1972-83. Soldiers were initially treated by a medic, then sent to a battalion aid station for emergency or stabilizing treatment, and then transported to a MASH unit for more extensive treatment. MASH units were located close to the front, usually within range of enemy artillery. They were so successful that during the Korean conflict it was said that a wounded soldier had a 97% chance of survival if he was treated at a MASH unit. Army doctors, including renowned heart surgeon Michael DeBakey, conceived of them as an alternative to the general hospitals that the Army had been using. The US Army created Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals at the end of World War II.